Photography Project
The College Kids’ Luxury
The Prompt
Explore and practice a photography genre of your choice, with the goal of further developing your skills in capturing compelling images. Choose a subject or concept that aligns with your interests and allows you to experiment with new techniques, and submit a series of portfolio-worthy photos.
The Inspiration
For this project, I decided to take a different approach to my usual genre of car photography. While I typically enjoy photographing my boyfriend’s sleek sports cars, I wanted to put an ironic spin on the typical world of luxury and sports car photography. Instead of showcasing pristine, shiny vehicles, I focused on highlighting the wear-and-tear of my 2009 Nissan Versa, embracing its imperfections in a fun and playful way. This shift allowed me to explore a new perspective and push the boundaries of what’s expected in car photography.
The Final Product
For the final product, I focused on creating an ironic twist on traditional luxury car photography. I used color balance to give my images a cool tone—a technique commonly seen in high-end car photography—to add an air of sophistication. Instead of highlighting the sleek details or perks of the vehicle, I honed in on the imperfections and flaws of my 2009 Nissan Versa, showcasing its wear and tear in a way that subverts the typical approach. To further emphasize the playful irony, I designed a mockup magazine spread, featuring my car as the star of a double-page feature, turning the idea of luxury car ads on its head and presenting the ordinary in an unexpectedly glamorous way.